
1 Jan, 2018, Kokura in Fukuoka Prefecture

-Kokura Castle Gardens (Feudal Lord Ogasawara family's villa, Edo Period)

About the garden, see

2 Jan, 2018  Fukuoka and Oita Prefectures

-Michinoeki (Roadside station) of Oto-town, Tagawa district, Fukuoka

-Koishiwara (Toho village), Asakura District, Fukuoka

Dango jiru

-Village of Onta-ware, in the Northern part of Oita Prefecture

-The Studio of Takatori ware (The head house of Takatori family), Toho village

-Village of Agano ware in Fukuchi town in Tagawa district, Fukuoka

-Shiroito no taki (waterfall of white thread) near Fukuchi town

-Kokokuji temple, Fukuchi town, Tagawa prefecture, Fukuoka

-Kokura, Kitakyushu city, Fukuoka